LOVE Unveiled
Please Join me at the Opening of the
LOVE Series
Saturday, December 6, 2014
6 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Trinity West Fine Art
Just like Love, sometimes I have to blow things up and start over. As with the art "Unconditional" below. This painting started out as "Spaces" but I just wasn't liking it. I look at my art and ask myself if I would hang it on my wall. When the answer is "God no!" then I know it's time to blow it up and start over. The tearing down process produces a "wild abandon" as I destroy what was there. And interestingly enough, it is usually these works of art that are the most popular. I hope to see you on the 6th and share with you which ones are "BUSCO"s (Blow Up and Start Completely Over.)